If you receive a telemarketing call regarding debt consolidation, lowering your APR on any personal credit cards or loans, or even someone continuously calling your business or residence from different Robo dialers, it's not us!! Unlike other companies, we do not use Robo dialers nor have any personal financial information about you. Please do not provide any personal information to this company. Any information you can give us regarding the call you received would be appreciated.
- Free EMV Credit Card Terminal
- Lower AMEX Rates
- Next Day Funding*
- No Contract
- Most Competitive Rates in the Industry
- One Combined Statement and Deposit that includes AMEX payments
Welcome to Secure Card Services
Process With Someone Who Cares About Your Business
We understand that more than ever, businesses need to save money, and look at all opportunities to help grow their business. Our goal is to provide the lowest rates for processing fees, while providing unparalleled customer service. We offer a Free EMV Apple Pay ready terminal and help insure a smooth transition. Unlike our competitors, we're willing to make an upfront investment in your business today because at SCS, we believe your success is our success.
We offer Free EMV - Chip Card Compliant Terminals!
As of October 2015, The EMV mandate required most businesses to accept chip card payments or possibly face liability for counterfeit credit card fraud. Don’t get trapped being forced to pay to upgrade your credit card machine to be EMV compliant. Most banks and other processors are charging up to $750 to upgrade their machines. Act now and Secure Card Services Inc. will supply you with a brand new EMV chip ready machine with Apple Pay and Google Wallet for FREE.
Have Your Debit Rates been Lowered?
The Durbin Law Reform cut debit rates dramatically. Did your merchant processor inform you of this and pass those savings onto you by lowering your debit fees?
Payment Solutions
We also offer POS systems, mobile phone payments, Internet Processing and Wireless terminals. With a payment solution for every situation, Secure Card Services Inc. can truly set your business free.

*Some exclusions may apply